woke up around 11am. tried to wake sis up too ba she wanted to sleep and not going xiuxiu`s lao shi house. so bath and went out of the house as meeting the rest at 11.45am..
reached earlier and sat at bukit batok mrt station there waited for them.. until 12noon then saw Zh,nd,yd,wanJ.. they were at the other side of the station... then zq came.. followed by wq.. and went for lunch at kopitiam.. Damn.. the food sucks...zhiW and sq also reached while we eating..was supposed to reach xiuxiu lao shi house at 12.30.. but we finish our food around 1pm..jf reached also..lolx.. then the rest took bus while nd and me rode over.. went up togather.. can't believe the lift manage to carry the whole 10 lots of us up togather...
once stepped into xiuxiu lao shi house`s saw all the familiar pple.. Hw,Qr,Sx.. and of course xiu x2 lao shi 2 princess.. zhenxi and chenxi.. all grown up le.. chenxi yue lai yue piao liang also..juz onli 12..then greet the other teachers too and sat around chat.. and watch some vcd of the camp they held last yr.. and watched jacky`s show.. but most of the time we juz can't stop chatting... and play with Sf lao shi`s 10mth old baby boy..damn cute..and of course take photos here and there.. stayed at xiu x2 lao house till around 5pm b4 we wen off after taken afew group pics..
Then some went seperate way while ZhiW,zh,zq,dh and me went bukit timah play billard..played till around 7+ near 8pm b4 i left as th ey continuing..today still played not bad ba...except still unable win that zh.. %$#^%^ been quite long since i last won him.. dunno wat`s wrong with me.. went home and slack.. then went out argain around 10.50 to s11 meet ww,wz,ss,lou for supper... lou bought cigg but i nv..quitted smoking.. dunno how long i will last but will give it a try again.. around 1 +am then went home.. now slacking.. guess sleeping soon