Thursday, February 24, 2005

A Sickening day..

can't sleep last night.. too sick.. can't find any medicine for cold at change and rode over to ww`s place at 1am.lolx.. then at his house use msn and cook mee.. and watch soccer..lolx.. slept around 6am.. and woke up at 8 .25am after kana hit by him and the bloster endless time.. took a medicine ww`s mum give me said very storng.. (indeed very good..flu gone).. reached sch and pia the job application kit.. dunno wat the fxxk it`s for.. waste my time.. nearly fxxk the teacher up when my com give programme error and shut down..lesson ended at 10.30am.. supposed to go for elson lesson buthe nv came.. so wanted to go home as still quite sick.. but ah de asked me soccer with them.. will feel better.. real~ but still played in the end cos nowadays seldom soccer with them..damn hot sia.. but after soccer really feel abit better.. on the way home saw sis on the opp lanes.. then after i home around 1/2 hrs... she home also..then told me she hit into a lorry which ebraked... -.- heng not serious.. asked her go see doctor.. still feeling sick.. sms awhile with that excited friend and fell asleep... woke up around 6+pm juz awhile ago.. then saw vincent sms-ed me said he forgot to buy toto for me.. and dunno why having fever and headach.. damn.. i damn weak sia.. but now feeling better... ate 粥 and slack around com till 10min back wq called me ask me going leah bday... told her i can't cos last min curise.. then she kp said all not going then she also dun le if not very out cast.. siao la.. dunno how to tell leah also.. later see how ba

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